Here you will find the online gallery for Kelli Horan’s newest art exhibition, “Blue Screen of Death”. This show was hosted by Studio 4 in our Pittsburgh gallery space.

In Death's Hand (3)|6" x 12" |Acrylic on wood with pyrography|$150.00|Do you feel safe in his hands?

In Death's Hand (2)|6" x 12" |Acrylic on wood with pyrography|$150.00|Do you feel alone in his hands?

In Death's Hand (1)|6" x 12" |Acrylic on wood with pyrography|$150.00 - SOLD|Do you feel frightened in his hands?

Attach on Tromso|8" x 10"|Acrylic on wood with pyrography|$200.00|The countdown has begun.

Attack on Austin|8" x 10"|Acrylic on wood with pyrography|$200.00|The countdown has begun.

Attack on Pittsburgh|8" x 10"|Acrylic on wood with pyrography|$200.00|The countdown has begun.

Attack on Tucson|8" x 10"|Acrylic on wood with pyrography|$200.00 - SOLD|The countdown has begun.

(inside) The Bunker|12" x 12"|Acrylic on wood with pyrography|$200.00|Safe and snug inside your own personal bunker, you ride out the end of the world in comfort. It's important to enjoy the little joys in life while you still can. Now go pet your cat.

(outside) The Bunker|12" x 12"|Acrylic on wood with pyrography|$200.00|You might think that you envy the person inside the safety of the bunker, but at least you won't be lonely like them. You'll die alongisde everyone else in the world.

Annihilation|30" x 30"|Acrylic on wood with pyrography|$1,200.00|As the end, we are all dust and ash in the wind. |Click here to buy a print of this piece

Press Delete?|18" x 24"|Acrylic on wood with pyrography|$800.00|I don't think the Earth program is going quite as planned. Should we press delete and start again?

End Simulation|24" x 36"|Acrylic on wood with pyrography|$1,000.00|

The Final Movement of the Bees (v2)|30" 30"|Acrylic on wood with pyrography|$1,200.00|As the buzzing of the bees fades into non-existence, the Earth dries up to a dusty grey and the ground cracks. Our lives were over as soon as they fell from the sky. The final movement of the bees. A tragedy.

Underwater|12" x 36"|Acrylic on wood with pyrography|$800.00|Will it still feel like home if we are buried under the water?

Robot Overlords|12" x 36"|Acrylic on wood with pyrography|$800.00|Attn: We have won. | Click here to buy a print of this piece

Everyone Else|30" x 40"|Acrylic on wood with pyrography|$2,000.00|The world is on fire. The sun is burning too bright. No matter where you go, the heat will devour your body. It is inevitable. In death, we will all be equal. Those who died before.. and now EE.

Neon Sunset|30" x 40"|Acrylic on wood with pyrography|$2,000.00|As the sun disappears behind the horizon, tentacles emerge from the sparkling water. they are massive. More and more start to reveal themselves. Thousands of huge monsters covering all the oceans of the world. There is no escape… Except for your little bunker. You are safe inside with records, food, your cat, and luxurious bathtub. Enjoy these comforts as the sun sets on the rest of the world.

Don't Look Back|12" x 36" |Acrylic on wood with pyrography|$800.00|No matter how fast you run or how far you go, there is no escaping the end. We did this to ourselves. Fire erupting everywhere in a violent and disconnected chain of reactions. The world will never again exist as it once was. Don't look back, or youll fall off a cliff of despair.

I LIVE|12" x 36" |Acrylic on wood with pyrography|$800.00|It is foretold that the devil will reach out from the darkness to claim the Earth as his own. Will you take his hand and embrace unknown destruction?

If you are interested in purchasing any of the work from the show.

Please email with “Blue Screen of Death” in the subject line.

Prints available at our shop. Click the link below to buy now!